“When Ellie smiled the sun broke through Whatever darkness she might face When Ellie smiled you knew ~ you knew! That she would fight to win this race.” For Ellie, losing was never an option And this battle was HERS, start to finish. When the tumor returned, she fought back ~ To regain […]
“So This Is What It Is..”
This post was inspired by my delightful friend Camille Handley, who had a way of summing it all up with one phrase: “So this is what it is..” As co-workers Camille and I indulged in many philosophical conversations over the years. And rightfully so, because in our profession there was plenty of competition, stress, […]
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See You in Heaven
Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. ” John 14: 1-2 As believers in Christ we are looking forward […]
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So I Went to the Dentist
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” Mitch Albom On a Monday, two years ago this week, my beloved friend lost her brief battle with cancer. Life went on. The sun rose the next morning, and I had a dental appointment. So I went to the dentist. Waiting to be called, I sat on […]
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Goodbye, my Chloe
I write these words with a very heavy heart. Last Friday I lost my dear little kitty, Chloe. She was about 7 1/2 years old and my constant, deeply affectionate companion. She was a small cat, and she had very tiny paws. Her fur was very thick and tortoiseshell in color. Parts of her were […]