“……..And when you discover what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don’t just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead or the unborn couldn’t do it any better.
If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can’t be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. But be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday. As we honor him and pay tribute to a man who left his mark on our lives in many ways, we must remember that he was first and foremost a man of God. He lived his life based on the Word of God. His vision for America was that of a nation that allowed freedom for ALL ~ because he looked beyond the outer man and saw only the inner ~ just like God.
When I read his beautiful words above I’m immediately taken to this verse:
“And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
For you serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24
From the highest office of the land, to the seemingly lowest, any job is important. Any task matters. Whether you’re sweeping streets or leading a nation! Whatever your task, you can joyously approach each day, knowing you serve Christ, not man. And at the end of the day, you can stand back, look at your work, smile and say, “I did this for the Lord, and I did the very best that I could have done.” And we have the reward of knowing that He is pleased with us.
Dear God, Thank You for Dr. King and his example of faithfulness. Fill our hearts with joy as we serve you, knowing that every task we perform is important. And help us to remember that each kindness we do counts for eternity. May we share Your Gospel with all those who need You the most. In Jesus’ precious name we pray. Amen.
This is a very nice tribute to Dr. King, and is full of inspiration and good advice. Thanks for writing it and posting.
Thank you so much for your comment, Adele. I really appreciate your reading my post. I loved his charge to the street sweeper, because it reminded me so much of your favorite scripture, Colossians 3:23.